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Kenya...How painful is hunger?
Date Posted:
1/14/2013 7:01:09 AM
Posted By: pepsy Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 594
and unable but our priorities as a country are perverted and far from well thought out. That’s why I grin when I see a political campaign in Lamu followed by a news item showing a Kenyan dying of hunger. I lose appetite, I shed tears, I curse, lose my pride, ponder... When will this end?
It is never the right time to change the situation...we rush to the streets over minor issues. How minor is a Kenyan breathing his last on an empty stomach and helpless faces knowing the same fate is crawling towards them. The last death out of hunger, if any, is taking place as I write...God rest their souls in eternal peace...We Kenyans of right mind and patriotically proud will end this!! They say evil prevails if the good turn a blind eye and do nothing.
Those who have lost appetite and are full on remorse and pity are called upon to petition for the dying Kenyans...a call to save humanity. How does the head of a family sleep soundly full of exotic food stuffs while his children groan and turn on empty stomachs...where are the principals... do they really watch news. We will inform them soon...
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