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The character of Kenyan leaders.
Date Posted:
1/23/2013 3:10:59 PM
Posted By: Joemakeit Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 2907
rather than commitment to serve and sacrifice for one's country.On 4th March 2013,we have a chance to choose good leaders.Let's evaluate all candidates that have offered their candidature in the coming elections and make an informed and independent decision.We must change the way we conduct our politics.We must choose leaders who will add value to our lives.Let us vote for leaders who will transform our country.Let us not be influenced by parties or tribal affiliations when voting.Let us vote for aspirants with leadership qualities.It is our future and our children's future that is at stake.Choose the right leaders,accept nothing less.Vote for leaders who care about Kenya.Vote for leaders who have the interests of the citizens at heart.Your vote counts.Make the right choice.Vote wisely.God bless Kenya.
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