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The importance of the school timetable


Date Posted: 4/24/2013 6:36:46 AM

Posted By: prey  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1405

The importance of a school timetable

There are so many things that schools cannot do without. One of these things is the school time table. It is extremely important even though not many people seem to notice its importance to the school and to them. The following is the importance of a school timetable.

1) It ensures that all subjects are equally studied.
Each student has the subject which he or she likes more than the other subjects. This makes some students to want to learn only that particular subject most of the time. If this was allowed to happen, then such students would pass only the subjects which they love and fail all the other subjects. However, the school time table ensures that all subjects are equally studied. This is because the school timetable has given all subjects almost equal amount of time for studying for that particular subject. The students caught studying for any other subject other than the one which is supposed to be studied at that particular time according to the timetable are usually punished for doing so.

2) It ensures that all teachers are doing their work.
In many schools in Kenya, the prefects are usually given a list where they are supposed to write down what happened during each lesson beside the name of the teacher who was supposed to teach the classroom during that particular lesson according to the school timetable. For example, if the teacher did not make an appearance during his or her lesson, the prefect is expected to write the words ‘not taught’ and if the teacher was there, the prefect is expected to write the word ‘taught’ on this list. This ensures that all the teachers actually work for what they are paid to do since the list finally goes to the school principal.

3) It reduces time

The school timetable always tells the students to read on a particular subject during normal learning hour except for a few minutes during break and lunch time. This ensures that there is no idling around during learning hours thus allows the students to study more effectively.

4) It creates order in the school.
The school time table is usually made in such a way that each class has only one teacher during normal learning hours. This ensures that two or more teachers do not end up teaching more than one subject at the same time in the same classroom thus creating order in the school.

Not every person at school respects the school timetable. However, timetables are very essential and important when it comes to effective learning. It is very important to respect and to follow the timetable if a school ever wishes to move forward academically.

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