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Knowing the directions to various places in Kenya
Date Posted:
4/24/2013 9:30:19 AM
Posted By: prey Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1405
lead you to where you are going. Therefore, always note the permanent structures that are found in a certain place and try to remember them. This might help you remember the directions leading to these places.
3) Travel alone.
The best way to know the directions to any place in Kenya is to try and get there alone without anyone else giving you the directions. Even when you get lost, try as much as you can to know where you are and the direction to where you are going.
4) Use a map.
There are some recent maps that show you every road and every building that is in various areas or cities in Kenya. You could not only carry the map and use it when you are on the road, but also you could read and view the map when you are not going anywhere and try and memorize the directions to the various places in Kenya that you would like to know how to get to them.
If you thought that you would always depend on others to know where you are going, then think again. Using these guidelines, you can now very easily know the directions to various places in Kenya.
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