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Setting Up Safaricom Internet Settings On Your Nokia Phone


Date Posted: 6/11/2013 12:47:12 AM

Posted By: ceasar02  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

Tired of sending a blank SMS to 544 without any successful internet settings being sent to your phone? Well here is a way out for you

From Main Menu Go to Settings
Select Configuration
Select Personal Configuration
Choose Add New then select Web
1. Account Name: Safaricom GPRS
2. Homepage:
3. User Name: saf
4. Password: data
5. Use Preferred Access Point Select No
6. Choose Access Point Settings
7. Proxy: Disable
8. Choose Bearer Settings:
9. Packet Data Access point: safaricom
10. Network type: IPv4
11. Authentication Type: normal
12. User Name: saf
13. Password: data
Go Back to Personal Configuration Settings
Choose Safaricom GPRS
Select Options
Select Activate

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