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Parents, guard your children when they are still young
Date Posted:
8/19/2013 8:59:38 AM
Posted By: 29922738 Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 455
His commandments.Parents should also do the things they would like to see their children do.Give the right advice to children whenever you see them going wrong.If they fail to listen to your advice then never hesitate to use other means even if it means beating them because if you spare the rod you will end up spoiling the child.
It has been observed that those who fail to play their roles in the childhood of their children end up regretting in life and wish they had corrected the bad habits in their children while they were still young when it is too late to change anything.Take for example a thief,he/she did not wake up one day and decided to start stealing but it was an habit built in them from when they were young. One started stealing items in their surrounding at home before they crossed to their neighbors and later became professional thieves.If the guardians of these people were more strict to them, then they would have become better people.
The point I would like to pass to you is that if you want your son or daughter to grow up and successful person who is respected by the whole society,then you must train him/her from when he/she is young.
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