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Form 2 Geography Exam Questions With Answers
Form 2 Geography Exam Questions With Answers
Lessons (
i)Give three natural vegetation zones on mount Kenya ii) Name three temperate grasslands found in the world iii) Describe the characteristics of the hot desert vegetation
5m 48s
i)What are earthquakes? ii) Name two types of earthquakes waves
2m 55s
Explain three ways in which volcanic mountains positively influence human activities
2m 48s
a) State three ways in which the earth’s crust is affected by the earthquakes (b) State two evidences of continental drift theory (c) Name three types of plate tectonic boundaries
0m 59s
a) Using well labeled diagrams, distinguish between a simple symmetrical fold and an asymmetrical fold. b) Name two fold mountains of the Alpine Orogeny
3m 55s
a) With the aid of well labeled diagrams, describe how a fold mountain is formed. b) Explain three positive effects of folding on the physical & human environment.
4m 54s
(i) What are tectonic plates (ii) Give any two examples of oceanic plates:-
1m 16s
Describe how the following cause earth movements: (i) Isostatic adjustment (ii) Magma movement in the crust (iii) Convectional currents in the mantle
2m 45s
a) What is an earthquake? b) Give any two natural causes of earthquakes c) Name three characteristics of the rift valley lakes of Kenya
3m 35s
a) Differentiate between extension boundaries and compression boundaries. b) Give two ways in which earthquakes can be predicted
2m 41s
a) State two ways in which faulting interferes with transport and communication lines. b) The diagram below represents a feature resulting from faulting (i) Name the feature (ii) Name part x and y (iii) Give three effects of an earthquake
5m 32s
(a) Differentiate between hot springs and geysers (b) The feature below show an extrusive landform in a volcanic area
3m 22s
a) Using well labelled diagrams, describe how the following are formed: (i) An anticlinal fault (ii) An overthrust fold b) Explain any three ways in which features resulting from vulcanicity are a problem to people
4m 53s
Describe how subsidence can lead to formation of a caldera.
2m 22s
a) List two factors that determine the degree of folding in rocks b) State three effects of faulting on drainage systems
2m 38s
(i) Apart from Africa, name any two other continents that form the Gondwanaland (ii) What is Panthalasa?
2m 42s
a) Give two reasons why hardwood trees species in Kenya are in danger of extraction b) State three problems that affect forestry in Canada
3m 6s
The diagram below shows a simple fold (a) (i) Name the part marked A, B and C (ii) Name two fold mountains outside Africa (iii) Give three landform associated with folded region
4m 33s
b) With the aid of well labeled diagram describe the process of formation of Fold Mountain (c) Explain four ways in which folding influences human activities
3m 26s
(a) Give four characteristic of tropical savannah vegetation (b) Explain how the following factors influence vegetation: (i) Aspect (ii) Human activities
2m 4s
a) Name the specific countries of the world where the following grassland vegetation types are found:- (i)Velds (ii) Pampas (iii) Dawns b) Explain three factors that have led to a decline of natural grassland in Kenya
1m 59s
(a)Define the term “natural vegetation” (b) State three climatic factors influencing distribution of vegetation
2m 54s
(i) Give two zones of the temperate grasslands (ii) State five characteristics of coniferous forests
2m 3s
(a) Explain four ways in which vegetation of the Nyika plateau of Kenya has adapted to the climate experienced in the area (b) Give five factors that have led to a decline of the natural grasslands in Kenya
4m 59s
(i) Distinguish between aridity and desertification (ii) Explain any three physical causes of aridity and desertification
5m 37s