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Principles of Effective Communication Notes

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Course: Certificate/Diploma in electrical Engineering

Content Category: Class Notes

Posted By: 6611588

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Number of Pages: 20

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Principles of Effective Communication notes
The principles of communication are those aspects that have to be taken into account when relaying any communication. These principles provide guidelines for the content and style of presentation adapted to the purpose and receiver of the message. They are called the seven ‘Cs’, they are completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy and correctness.
i. Clarity - It refers to clarity of thoughts and expressions. The writing should be correctly planned and expressed in a logical way; the writer should make sure that the ideas flow smoothly from the beginning to the end. The message must be so clear that even the dullest man in the world should readily understand it. The communicator must be very clear about all the aspects of the idea in his mind and about the purpose for which it is to be communicated. The speaker should use simple language, use concrete expressions, avoid excessive use of the infinitives, avoid jargon, avoid ambiguity and use short sentences (Saleemi, 1997). Getting the meaning from the senders head to the head of the receiver accurately is the purpose of clarity. Choose precise, concrete and familiar words-when meaning of words is in doubt, use more familiar words for the audience to understand them better.
ii. Completeness- According to Saleemi (1997), completeness of facts is absolutely necessary. Incomplete communication irritates the reader, for it leaves him baffled. If wrong actions follow incomplete message, they may also prove expensive. It is an essential factor for effective communication. Message must be organized appropriately and must include all the important details. The contents of the message must be checked in order to verify that there is no omission of the relevant details. An incomplete message can do little to convey the information and to persuade the receiver.
iii. Conciseness refers to thoughts expressed in the fewest words consistent with writing . Be as brief as possible. Brevity in expression effectively wins the attention of the reader but it should not be effected at the cost of appropriateness, clarity, correctness, completeness or courtesy (Saleemi, 1997). Saleemi indicated that one should include only relevant facts, avoid repetition, avoid trite and wordy expressions and you organize your message well.
iv. Consideration- Consider the receiver - consideration means preparing every message with the receiver in mind, try to put yourself in their place. For instance adopt the you – attitude and not ‘we’ emphasize positive, pleasant facts and impart integrity to your messages (Saleemi, 1997).
v. Correctness - Communication must be correct in tone and style of expression, spelling, grammar, format, contents, statistical information; stress-unstressed, etc. There should not be any inaccurate statements in the message. Efforts must be made to avoid errors in the incorrect written documents. At the core of correctness is proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.
vi. Courtesy- We need to create friendliness with our clients when we write to them. Friendliness cannot be separated from courtesy. The following should be considered
? Ensure the letters promptly communicate. If you aren’t able to respond immediately, alert the transmitters.
? Omit irritation expressions
? Apologise sincerely for an omission and thank generously for a favour. This should be done promptly to show you are sincere.

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