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DBA 304: Principles of Cooperative Management Notes

Institution: University

Course: Bachelor of Commerce

Content Category: Lecture Notes

Posted By: davidkariuki1010

Document Type: DOC

Number of Pages: 111

Price: KES 200

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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Lecture Objectives
1.3 What is a Cooperative Society
1.4 Principal Rules of a Cooperative Organization and Operation
1.5 The Principles of the cooperative societies
1.6 The values of the cooperative society
1.7 Justification of the Cooperative Institution
1.8 The Objectives of the Cooperative Institution
1.9 The Distinctive Features of the Cooperative Institution and how they differ from a workers movement.
1.10 The Cooperative Management and Development
1.11 Summary of the lecture

1.1 Introduction
I would like to welcome you to the study of the Principles of Cooperative Management. You are required to have done and passed all the Part 1 courses before you register for this course unit. In this first lecture we will learn what a cooperative society is. We shall also discuss the rules, the principles, the values, the importance and the benefits of a cooperative enterprise. We shall also discuss the distinctive features of the cooperative enterprise and how the cooperative society differs from both the business organization and a trade union

1.2 Lecture Objectives
At the end of this lecture you should be able to:
1. Explain what a cooperative society is
2. Identify the benefits, rules, principles and values of a cooperative society
3. Explain the origins of the cooperative institution
4. Explain the philosophical foundations of the cooperative enterprise
5. Discuss the distinctive features of a cooperative institution
6. Identify the origins and the basis of the cooperative movement
7. Explain the principles of the cooperative movement

1.3 What is a Cooperative Society
According to the Oxford English Dictionary the word ‘cooperate’ means to join together, to act with another, to concur in producing the same effort. Therefore a cooperative is a society in which members work together, where they put up a joint effort for their mutual benefits. A cooperative society seeks to improve the situation of its members or to get them out of it when it arises, or to protect or free them forever from the possible social domination of those who hold economic power.
According to the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) a cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. The ICA definition recognises one essential element of cooperatives: membership is voluntary. Coercion is the antithesis of cooperation. Persons compelled to act contrary to their wishes are not truly cooperating. True cooperation with others arises from a belief in mutual help: it cannot be dictated. In cooperatives persons join voluntarily and have the freedom to quit the cooperative at any time.
Another widely accepted definition of a cooperative is the one adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1987: a cooperative is a user- owned user- controlled business that distributes benefits on the basis of use This definition also captures what are generally considered the three primary cooperative principles namely user ownership, user control and proportional distributional of benefits. The user owner principle implies that the people who use the cooperative (members) help finance the cooperative and therefore they own the cooperative.. Members are responsible for providing at least some of the capital. The equity capital contribution of each member should be in equal proportions to that member’s use (patronage) of the cooperative. This shared financing creates joint ownership. The user control concept means that members of the cooperative govern the business directly by voting on significant and long term business decisions and indirectly through their representatives on the board of directors. Cooperative statutes and by laws usually dictate that only active coop members ( those who use the coop) can become voting directors, although non members some times serve on the boards in a non voting advisory capacity
Co-operative societies are also business enterprises which are set up and run by the members. They are undertakings that operate on business principles including profit maximisation, efficiency in production, maximum turnover, and minimum operational costs etc. Cooperative societies are not charitable institutions. They have objectives which they strive to achieve. They have common and collective objectives, they are run by members who also manage and control the undertaking for their own benefit and at their own risk. The cooperative institution has both economic and social benefits.
The cooperative undertaking is also established by members who wish to become their own masters in the economic and social fields. The members know and understand that the efficiency and hence the success of their undertaking ultimately depends on them and for their benefits. This feature of a co-operative institution emphasizes that the members in the undertaking must be able to see that their personal interests are bound up with the common interests of all the members. Consequently all members must actively participate in the management and operations of the association, sensibly exercise their rights and obligations and provide their best qualities of common sense, judgment and honesty in managing their undertaking. This feature calls for proper and appropriate education of members on a continuous basis.

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