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Diploma in Journalism: Broadcast Journalism Notes

Institution: College

Course: Diploma in Journalism

Content Category: Articles

Posted By: 07133403xx

Document Type: DOCX

Number of Pages: 77

Price: KES 200

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News gathering
What is news?
I ) Oxford dictionary defines news as tidings or interesting information or fresh events reported.
ii) Ben Bradle defines news as the first rough draft of history.
iii) Freda Morris defines news as immediate important happening with an impact in our lives.
When a dog bites a man, it’s normal and that’s no news but when Vice versa happens it is news.
News is that which makes a reader say Ghee Whiz!.
Elements. Qualities as a good news worthy. Rules that govern news
To select relevant and good news to satisfy your audience you are said to have “ Nose for news”.
1. Proximity/Nearness - News ought to be that which happen around the people. For a news item to have its importance it should have its nearness.
2. Relevance – The news item should reflect its impact on the people/reader/audience e.g. in the case of broadcast journalism, the collapsing of sugar company in western Kenya may not greatly influence the fisherman in Lake Victoria.
3. Immediacy/Timeliness – In broadcast journalism what happened yesterday is stale and dead hence barred. B.J is about what happens now. For anything that happened a couple of minutes ago is therefore updated shortly afterwards with a fresh angle.
4. Interest – News ought to make you suck in your breath, sit back and relax, sit up, take note and listen. Stories should have wide appeal or else audience will change channel. The most important in any news is the people who show bizz personality e.g. celebrities Like musicians, footballers, athletes etc.

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