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Sample Attachment Report for Diploma in General Agriculture

Institution: Kisii National Polytechnic

Course: Diploma in General Agriculture

Content Category: Reports

Posted By: 35824167

Document Type: DOCX

Number of Pages: 42

Price: KES 150

Views: 2672     Downloads: 19


During the period of attachment I managed to visit various sections where I managed to acquire more skills on crop and animal production .In beans section I managed to learn how to layout trials, learnt more on maize breeding .In maize breeding I managed to learn how to identify the maize varieties, pests in maize and there possible control, effect of fall army warm and how to control it, the importance of maize and the challenges facing maize production in Kenya. Learnt more on finger millets and other millet varieties, how to plant them and also did more on sorghum, its importance, its uses, the released varieties in Mabanga ATC. Roots and tubers section has cassava and sweet potatoes where I learnt more on how to identify cassava and sweet potatoes varieties and some of the varieties released in Mabanga ATC, and how they can be utilized in the post-harvest practices. The horticulture section within Mabanga ATC carries out grafting, commercialization of underutilized fruits, bananas and its importance to both animals and human beings. We also dealt with African leafy vegetable, where we learnt how to plant them and their possible management in the farm. In the livestock section they deal with poultry and livestock rearing, the reared chicken in kilo which is the improved kienyeji. Learnt more on soil analysis, soil sampling methods and how to test the ph. of the soil. Also learnt more on organic farming, its importance to soil, animals, environment and human, how to prepare manure i.e. compost manure, green manure and how to improve soil organic matter content.

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