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Establishment of Colonial Rule in Kenya Topical Questions and Answers: Form 3 History and Government

Institution: Secondary

Course: History and Government

Content Category: Form 3 Topical Questions and Answers

Posted By: raphael

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 19

Price: KES 50
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Learn about the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya with detailed topical questions and answers specifically designed for Form 3 History and Government students.

1. (a) Give three reasons why Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British
(i) To consolidate his position and that of his kingdom
(ii) To secure military support against his enemies’ e.g. the Luo of Ugenya
(iii) To obtain material benefits from the British
(iv) To secure military support to expand his kingdom
(v) To gain prestige and fame by associating with the British
(b) Explain the result of Nabongo Mumia collaboration with the British
(i) The British were able to establish their rule over Western Kenya with the assistance of the Wanga soldiers. For instance, the soldiers were used to subdue the Nandi, the Bukusu and the Luo of Ugenya
(ii) The British used Wanga as their agent to rule various parts of Western of Kenya. For example, Murunga his half brother was appointed chief over Isukha and Idakho.
(iii) The rule of Wanga agents led to hostility and conflicts with neighbours. Attempt were made to overthrow this dominance.
(iv) His power was strengthened and his prestige rose. He made paramount chief in 1909.
(v) His headquarters at Aleruko became the administrative centre of the British in Western Kenya, until 1920 when it was transferred to Kakamega
(vi) Nabongo Mumia Over a long period of time was consulted by the colonial government over the appointment of headmen and chiefs
2. (a) Give five reasons why the colonial government encouraged white
settlement in Kenya
(i) The colonial government wanted to make Kenya white man’s country by encouraging white settlers to form the backbone of the economy.
(ii) The colonial government hoped that the settlers would finance administrative expense of the colony without involving the British tax payer
(iii) The settler economic activities would help the colonial government pay for the construction costs of railway and maintain it.
(iv) The settlers were expected to produce raw materials for British industries
(v) The colonial government wanted to counter Asia influence in Kenya by encouraging European settlement
(vi) The Kenya highlands were suitable for European settlement in terms of climate and soils

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