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- How graphics design has helped children in school establish the reading culture and how this has made easier for them to learn and comprehend.
This project is very much detailed and useful to any undergraduate student doing graphics. The project involves a case study taken in a school in Eldoret town. The main idea behind this research...
Price: KES : 600
- Insecurity Research Project
In the research project, i have covered the terror attack of 1998 and highlighted the aftermath of violence. And what action is being taken to always make sure our security personnel is well tuned to...
Price: KES : 1500
- The New UK GAAP “FRS 102 and FRS 105” in practice
A complete dissertation on the new UK GAAP FRS 102 and FRS 105 Z0989176
Brief Overview:
Purpose: The research aimed to study the new United Kingdom generally accepted accounting...
Price: KES : 500
- Research Project: Effects of Inventory Management on Performance of Retail Stores
This document entails in Business management courses in both University and Colleges. It can be used for KNEC Examination where as it has been worked on for several times to check where mistakes...
Price: KES : 1500
- Research Project: Impact of Waste Water Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse in Kiambu County
Impact of Waste Water Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse in Kiambu County ( a Case of Kiambu County)
Brief Overview:
This project reinforces waste water management in a sound manner in...
Price: KES : 2000
- HPP 3150: Human Anatomy and Physiology Notes - Internal and External Environment
Covers homeostasis, positive feedback mechanism, negative feedback mechanisms, homeostatic imbalance and body fluids and electrolytes.
Homeostasis is...
Price: KES : 100
- Effects of land use on water resource availability in Kenya: a case study of Cherangani sub-catchment (water tower).
An in-depth research project for students taking Environmental Education.
Effects of land use on water resource availability in Kenya: a case study of Cherangani sub-catchment (water tower), It's...
Price: KES : 350
- Implementing Data Integrity in a Hotel Reservation System
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Proposed Solution
1.4 Justification
1.5 Objectives
1.6 Research Questions
Price: KES : 1500
- Management Approaches: ICS 100 Management
Management Approaches: ICS 100 Management
Managers in the changing trend in business need a lot of skills and techniques. It is imperative to have managers who are...
Price: KES : 500
- Research proposal on perception of fatigue among nursing students during night shifts
Research proposal on perception of fatigue among nursing students during night shifts.
Brief Overview:
Function of the healthcare system is nearly impossible without a shift pattern...
Price: KES : 800
- The response of church to homosexuality
Chuka University
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Christian and Contemporary Ethical Issues
The response of church to homosexuality
Brief Overview:
Homosexuality is a romantic...
Price: KES : 150
- Assessment of Household Solid Waste Management in Athi Town, Machakos County
Household solid waste is the waste generated from homesteads. Due to the development and increased industrialization within most Kenyan towns, it has attracted many people. This has led to increased...
Price: KES : 1500
- Fused WT Generator and PV Power Supply System in Arid Areas
Using Wind turbine generator and photovoltaic cell, wind energy and solar energy are tapped respectively. Solar energy is converted to electricity while Wind Turbine generator converts the mechanical...
Price: KES : 1000
- HBC 2102 Introduction to Strategic Management first year notes on diversification strategies
It contains research on Diversification Strategies that are well researched with references provided. It will be of great help as it uses simple language that's not hard to understand,...
Price: KES : 0
- Influence of E-marketing on the performance of tour firms in Kenya
The project is a 4th year task project it is complete five chapters of an in depth comprehensive understanding of influence of E-marketing on the performance of tour firms in...
Price: KES : 5000
- The impact of integrated financial management information system on expenditure control among county governments in Kenya
The impact of integrated financial management information system on expenditure control among county governments in Kenya
Brief Overview:
The main objective of this study was to...
Price: KES : 2000
- AGR 411 Research Project Proposal
An assessment of factors affecting choice of marketing channels among small scale Mango farmers in Kenya. A case study of Makueni county.
This is a detailed sample of a project for research proposal....
Price: KES : 50
- Skin Bleaching and its Negative Effects on the Physical Appearance of the Black Skin
Research on effects of skin bleaching among youthful ladies in Kisii University
ZOOL 452: Research Methods and Seminars
Many youth ladies in Kisii University attach much passion to...
Price: KES : 200
- Assessing the economic impact of devolution in kenya: opportunities and challenges
Devolution has had a significant impact on Kenyan economy. The current devolved structure of Kenyan...
Price: KES : 5000
- Reasons for low selection of Agriculture subject in Kenyan secondary schools
This document is a complete research proposal on reasons for low selection of agriculture subject in Kenyan secondary schools. The content are created in the standard research proposal format used by...
Price: KES : 100
- Influence of strategic planning practices on organizational performance, a case study of the national social security fund (NSSF)
This is a comprehensive research project sample that i conducted on my own. the Research title is "INFLUENCE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING PRACTICES ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE, A CASE STUDY OF THE NATIONAL...
Price: KES : 2500
- Design and fabrication of an air conditioning system
This is a technical research project for degree and diploma courses, for all students taking any technical course. It is about an air conditioning system that uses glycol water mixture as a coolant,...
Price: KES : 3500
- School Field Report CIT 299
CIT - 299 Introduction to Teaching and school operation
School Field Report
Price: KES : 1000
- Critical Aspect of a School and Environmental Study of a School Report
This is a research report on the critical Aspect of a school and School Environmental study report.
Price: KES : 700
- Questionnaire For School Field Research
This is questionnaire aimed at collecting data when carrying out school field Research.
Price: KES : 200
- The Triple Constraints and How They Relate To Each Other
The Triple Constraints and How They Relate To Each Other.
The Triple Constraints and How They Relate To Each Other The triple constraints concept is one of the fundamental...
Price: KES : 0
- The case of Endorois community in Kenya and the African court on human and peoples’ rights
The article looks at the Endorois Community in Kenya and the case that they presented to the court. It looks at the history of the community...
Price: KES : 100
- Role of public memorization in post conflict reconciliation in Rwanda and Chile
Public Memorization is about deep thinking on the past events and seeks the healing and reconciliation after mass violence: killings, rape, and many other atrocities related. In this presentation, I...
Price: KES : 100
- Politics of peacekeeping: What influences countries choices in deploying peace keeping troops: case study of china and India?
The history of the china and the India in deploying the troops it will also to answer the question what influences countries choices in deploying...
Price: KES : 100
- Project Writing format
Format on how to write fourth year project and proposals
14.1 APPENDIX 1 : Thesis Format Standard Specifications
Thesis writing should conform to Kirinyaga University format as...
Price: KES : 500
- Grade 8 Moran Publisher Social Studies schemes of work Term 3 - Rationalised
Explore Grade 8 Moran Publisher Social Studies Term 3 schemes of work that have been rationalized for effective teaching. Perfect for teachers looking for comprehensive teaching guides.
Price: KES : 100
- Grade 8 Mentor C.R.E schemes of work Term 3 - Rationalised
Explore Grade 8 Mentor C.R.E schemes of work Term 3 that have been rationalized for effective teaching. Perfect for teachers looking for comprehensive teaching guides.Prepared with all objectives...
Price: KES : 90
- Grade 8 Rationalized Social Studies Lesson Notes Term 3
Boost your Grade 8 social studies knowledge with concise lesson notes for Term 3. Perfect for educators seeking curriculum support and students alike.
Price: KES : 100
- Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) Handwritten Notes
Download high quality handwritten notes for Autocad, best for module II student taking certificate in mechanical engineering production option.
Price: KES : 100
- Sample Scraps Metal Shop Business Plan
Rooney’s scrap metal is a start-up venture poised to enter the thriving scrap metal industry. With a commitment to sustainability and environmental...
Price: KES : 100
- Grade 9 Pre-Technical studies Progress Records (whole year)
Enhance your classwork with high quality Grade 9 Pre-Technical studies Progress Records. Obtain valuable insights into the student's performance throughout the academic year. Ideal for teachers...
Price: KES : 40
- Logbook for Perioperative Theatre Technology Students in Clinical Rotation
Download Logbook for Perioperative Theatre Technology Students in Clinical Rotation. The log book covers provide enough needed space for students to note down all areas and departments covered in 12...
Price: KES : 100
- Grade 9 Mathematics Progress Records
Enhance your classwork with high quality Grade 9 Mathematics Progress Records Obtain valuable insights into the student's performance throughout the academic year. Ideal for teachers analyzing student...
Price: KES : 50