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Trade Project: Proposed Contour Mapping of a Land Parcel

Institution: College

Course: Diploma in Land Surveying

Content Category: Research Projects

Posted By: 0703

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 28

Price: KES 800

Views: 28     Downloads: 0


A contour is defined as an imaginary line of constant lavation on the ground surface; it’s the vertical distance between any two consecutive contours. Contour is to be done from control point within Bar Korumba chief camp.
The following task Will be performed in order to achieve the above three stated object ,they include theory levelling reconnaissance, planning for the project carry out the field work computation for checks and drawing interpolating contours.
The instruments that will be used is dumpy level, leveling staff, tape measure, ranging rod'sandstrings. The approximate area is 8000m. The importance of the project includes, establishing elevation of points on the ground, to establish interpolates contours and providing vertical control points to be in future as plans for engineering construction project.

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  • Trade-Project-Proposed-Contour-Mapping-of-a-Land-Parcel_17591_10.jpg

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