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EPY 310: Human Growth and Development Notes

Institution: Maseno University

Course: Bachelor of Education

Content Category: Class Notes

Posted By: mcouda

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 73

Price: KES 50

Views: 2188     Downloads: 82


Human growth and development is a core unit taught to all undergraduate Education student. These note have been designed to bring about easier understanding of the concept. This document provide full notes for the Unit Human Growth and Development.

The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with knowledge on theories of human development and
the human development process so that they can apply these in their teaching profession
By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
1. To apply principles of developmental psychology to teaching.
2. To identify developmental needs of learners and structure teaching and learning strategies to meet these
3. To manage learner behaviour in the classroom.
1. To differentiate between “growth and development.”
2. To compare and contrast the theories of development
3. To describe growth and development processes across the lifespan
4. To evaluate factors that influence growth and development across the lifespan
4.1 Introduction to Human Growth and development
Definitions of terms: Human Growth and Development.................................................

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