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How technology has been employed to manage large population of learners. Case study of Multimedia University.

Institution: University

Course: Bachelor of Education (Arts)

Content Category: Research Projects

Posted By: katungapatrick

Document Type: DOCX

Number of Pages: 85

Price: KES 100

Views: 442     Downloads: 0


Research on how technology has been employed to manage large population of learners. Case study of Multimedia University.

1.1 Background of the Study
The emergence of new technologies and the widespread use of computer technology in education have offered an opportunity for learning institutions to benefit by deploying and using learning technologies to improve the learning process. There is a general consensus among scholars and researchers that information and communication technologies (ICT) are transforming various aspects of human activity (World Bank, 2004). Learning institutions realize the fact that education is their key output, any technologies used or incorporated should be geared towards fostering a better level of education in an affordable and effective manner. Institutions of higher learning are in the fore front of embracing learning technologies in a bid to benefit fully from them. Also, at higher levels of education, students are required to develop critical skills at a higher cognitive level compared to primary and secondary education. Recently, there have been calls for educational reforms to improve the quality of education to adequately prepare students in the work place (Kafu, 2011). The Kenyan ministry of education as a result developed the Sessional paper no 1. of 2005. The Kenyan government shows its appreciation and recognizes the fact that ICT has a critical role to play in helping education deliver its mandate.

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