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Effects of intercropping finger millet (eleusine coracana) with common beans (phaseolus vulgaris) on weed management in Trans Nzoia county Kenya

Institution: Mount Kenya University

Course: Master of Science in Agronomy

Content Category: Case Studies

Posted By: BORORIO

Document Type: DOCX

Number of Pages: 43

Price: KES 1500

Views: 990     Downloads: 0


Effects of intercropping finger millet (eleusine coracana) with common beans (phaseolus vulgaris) on weed management in Trans Nzoia county Kenya

Weed infestation is considered as one of the most important constraints affecting finger millet production causing significant yield losses. The land use efficiency and weed management through intercropping plays a pivotal role. Weed management is a critical component of any farming system. Intercropping has been used successfully in a number of zonal cropping systems to improve weed management. Recent research efforts suggested that intercropping legumes with cereals can have potential for weed suppression and may decrease the need to use herbicides. Weed management is an important factor for enhancing the production of finger millet. Field experiments will be conducted on - farm at two sites, namely Kiminini Sub-county in Trans-Nzoia County and university of Eldoret. The treatments will be laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with a split-plot arrangement over two seasons (2020 long rains and short rains seasons). The field experiment will comprise of two improved finger millet intercropped with two common bean varieties. The main plot will have improved finger millet varieties namely, Gulu-E and P-224. While the sub-plot will be common bean varieties that is, Rosecoco and Red Haricot. Each finger millet variety will be grown in monoculture and intercropped with each bean cultivar while been varieties will be grown in monoculture and intercropped with finger millet. The treatments will be replicated three times at each site giving a total of 24 plots per site. The plots will measure 4m x3m each and a path of 1m will be used to separate one plot from the other. Parameters to be recorded during the growing season for finger millet include; plant height at physiological maturity/grain milk stage, panicle length, days to 50% flowering, number of tillers per plant and dry grain yield(t/ha). The parameters to be measured and recorded on beans include; plant height, leaf width, number of pods per plant; number of seeds per plant and dry yield(t/ha). Soil analysis will be carried out to determine the physical and chemical status of the soil before establishment. Data collected will be subjected to statistical analysis using Genstat 15 Edition Software and treatment means separated by Fischer’s protected LSD at 75% confidence interval.

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