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Computer Studies Paper 2(PRACTICAL) Sample Questions

Institution: Secondary

Course: Computer Studies

Content Category: Case Studies

Posted By: 32931888

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 7

Price: KES 40

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Computer Studies Paper 2(PRACTICAL) Sample Questions.
a) Using the information below, design an appropriate spreadsheet and enter the following data
Give the table an appropriate Title. Save as D: ACTIVITY 1 (12mks)

Khadija scored 89 in English. 76 in Biology, 56 in Computer, 90 in Kiswahili and 48 in Math's. Peter scored 78 in English, 89 in Biology, 67 in Computer, 90 in Kiswahili and 34 in Math's. Jane scored 70 in English, 93 in Biology, 34 in Computer, 23 in Kiswahili and 69 in Math's. Tasneem scored 72 in English, 36 in Biology, 79 in Computer, 85 in Kiswahili and 56 in Math's Rashid scored 90 in English, 98 in biology, 89 in Computer, 100 in Kiswahili and 35 in Math's.
(b) Calculate the total marks for each student Label it appropriately. Write on the paper provided the formula used for Tasneem. (6mks)
(c) Calculate the average for English, Biology, Computer, Kiswahili and Math's and Total score for the class. Label this average appropriately and write on the paper provided the formula for obtaining these average marks for Computer. Save as D:' Activity 2 (8mks)
(d) Arrange the records in a descending order by total score. (4mks)
( e) Count all students whose total score is above 60% and place your result in an empty cell. Label the result appropriately Write on the paper provided the formula used. Save as D: Activity 3. (6mks)
(f) The school would like the remark PASS for students whose total score is 50% and above and FAIL otherwise. Generate an appropriate cell. Label the row/column as REMARK, Write down the formula used for Peter. Save as D: Activity 4.
(g) Plot a bar graph for the following averages. English, Biology, Computer, Kiswahili and Math's Add a title and label the X and Y axes appropriately. Save your graph as D: Activity G. (6 Marks)
h) Print Activity1, Activity 3, Activity 4 and Activity G.

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