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Food Safety and Hygiene Module 1 Notes


Course: Craft Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

Content Category: Class Notes

Posted By: XELA AMUO

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Food Safety and Hygiene Module 1 Notes

Food safety 6
It refers to handling, preparing and storing food in a way to best reduce the risk individuals becoming sick from foodborne illnesses. 6
It is a closely related but broader concept that means food is free from all possible contaminants and hazards. 6
Food hygiene 6
Refers to the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. 6
Food 6
Consists of edible materials such as meat, bread and vegetables; it may be raw like fresh fruit or cooked, processed or semi-processed. Food is a nutritious substance eaten by us to maintain our vital life processes. 7
Food spoilage 7
Changes that make food unfit for consumption due to microbial or chemical contamination. 7
Palatable 7
Means tasty and good to eat and culturally and psychologically acceptable. 7
Perishable food 7
Food items that have a short storage life and will become spoiled or contaminated if not preserved and handled properly, e.g. meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables and the like. 7
Non-perishable food 7
Foods which are not easily spoiled or contaminated, e.g. sugar and cereals. 7
Wholesome food 7
Food which is sound, clean and free from harmful ingredients and it is suitable for human consumption. 7
Food hazard 7
Food that is contaminated with biological, chemical or physical agents and, if eaten, will cause ill health. 7
Prevent cross-contamination 8
Improve efficiency 9
Promote a positive workplace culture 9
Build a positive reputation 9
Personal Hygiene 10
Preventing Cross-contamination 10
Serving Food 11
Stock Control 11
Running a Business 12
1. Biological Contaminants 16
How Bacteria Survive 17
2. Chemical Contaminants 18
3. Physical Contaminants 19
Cross-Contamination 20
3. Wash dishcloths 21
10. Respect 'use-by' dates 22
2.5 Safety regulations to ensure food safety 22
1. Pest control 23
Global Standards for Food Safety provides guidelines for waste management to meet the correct food safety regulations, which states: 23
3. Cleaning programmes 24
4. Maintenance 24
5. Personal hygiene 24
6. Environmental hygiene 25
7. Correct handling, storage & transport 25
8. Facilities location and design 25
9. Machinery and production line design 26
10. Staff training 26
Hazard 27
Refers to any agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment. 27
Food safety hazards 27
3.2 Types of Hazards in foods 28
Microbiological hazards 28
Chemical hazards 28
Physical hazards 28
Combating Foodborne Illnesses 37
Consumer Side 37
Food Safety Regulation Programs 38
About food safety 42
Food poisoning 43
Causes 44
4.3 Causes of Food Poisoning 47
Complications 49
Foods Most Likely to Cause Food Poisoning 51
1. Poultry 51
5. Deli Meats 54
6. Unpasteurized Dairy 55
8. Fruit 56
How to Reduce Your Risk of Food Poisoning 57
Cleaning 58
Storing food 58
Preparing food 59
Cooking food 59
The Bottom Line 60
Proper cleaning and sanitizing practices are critical in preventing bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. 61
Four simple steps to cleaning and sanitizing 62
When to clean and sanitize food contact surfaces 62
How to sanitize food contact surfaces 62
HACCP is based on seven principles: 95
Critical Limits 98
Monitoring Procedures 99
Verification Activities 100
Documentation and Records 101
Food Safety Management Systems 104
Trends 105
Emerging Issues 105

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    These are lecture notes for Principles and Practice of Management, a unit taught in year one at university level and diploma module three at college level. AGBM 102: PRINCIPLES OF...

    Price: KES :  200

  • General Methods Notes

    General Methods Notes General Course Objectives By the end of the course the learner should be able to: ? Understand what is involved in the process of teaching and learning, ? Explore how best...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Epidemiology Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Epidemiology, a unit taught to medical students studying community health, medicine, nursing and medical laboratory technology. EPIDEMIOLOGY =The study of the...

    Price: KES :  150

  • Introduction to Counselling Skills Notes

    DCHD 4009: INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELLING SKILLS NOTES. What is “Counselling”? “The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.” Counselling...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Biology Techniques 1 Notes

    BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES 1 Classification of animals and plants Binomial nomenclature: classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part scientific name Dichotomous key: step by step...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Applied Biology Notes

    APPLIED BIOLOGY Definition of terms used in biology. The word biology is derived from the Greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Hotel and Catering Law Notes

    DFB 100: Hotel and Catering Law. LAW AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM. ? Legislation ? The common law ? Going to law THE CATERING ENTERPRISE. ? Choosing the form of business enterprise ? The proprietor or...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Business Plan Notes

    These are the lecture notes on how to write a business plan at college and university levels of education. It is a common unit taught within entrepreneurship for all courses. BACKGROUND...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Structured Programming Notes For Degree and Diploma Levels

    These are the lecture notes for structured programming, a unit taught in university and colleges at degree ,diploma and certificate levels. Definitions ONLY: Programming, programmer, program,...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Citizen Participation in Government Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Citizen Participation in government, a unit taught in third year at university level and in certificate and diploma of Law, Sociology and political science. Section...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Food Science and Nutrition Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Food Science and Nutrition, a unit taught in Certificate module 1 of Food and Beverage Production and Service and Catering and Accommodation and Certificate in...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Fundamentals of Hotel Operations Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Fundamentals of Hotel Operations, a unit taught in second year at degree ,diploma and certificate levels in food and beverage production and service, catering and...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Travel Agency Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Travel Agency, a unit taught in third year at degree ,diploma and certificate levels in food and beverage production and service, catering and accommodation, tourism...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Life Skills Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Life Skills, a unit taught at college and university levels of education. It is a common unit taught for all courses. TOPIC 1: INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SKILLS 1.1...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Organization and Organizational Behaviour Notes

    These are the lecture notes for Organizational Behaviour, a unit taught in second year at degree,diploma and certificate levels in Bachelor of Commerce,Human resource management, sales and marketing...

    Price: KES :  200

  • Resources Management Notes

    Resource Management Lecture notes For Diploma in Community Development (KNEC) CONTENTS Introduction to Resource Management Natural Resources Man-Made Resources Human Resources Financial...

    Price: KES :  200

  • General Studies Notes For Artisan Courses

    TABLE OF CONTENTS First year syllabus content Chapter One: Communication Skills Chapter Two: Family Life Chapter Three: Population Chapter Four: Pollution and Other Hazards Chapter Five:...

    Price: KES :  300

  • Principles and Methods of Food Preservation

    Thermal processing: Thermal processing is defined as the combination of temperature and time required to eliminate a desired number of microorganisms from a food product. Industrial...

    Price: KES :  100

  • Food Deterioration/Food Spoilage Notes

    These are the lecture notes for food deterioration/food spoilage for both Certificate and Diploma courses in Nutrition and Dietetics courses taught at college level and examined by the Kenya National...

    Price: KES :  50

  • Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition: Preterm Delivery Notes

    These are the lecture notes on preterm delivery for both Certificate and Diploma courses in Nutrition and Dietetics courses taught at college level and examined by the Kenya National Examination...

    Price: KES :  50

  • Diet Therapy 2: Management of Liver Diseases Notes

    These are the lecture notes on management of liver diseases for both Certificate and Diploma courses in Nutrition and Dietetics courses taught at college level and examined by the Kenya National...

    Price: KES :  50

  • Introduction to Microbiology: Growth of Microorganisms Notes

    These are the lecture notes on growth of microorganisms for both Certificate and Diploma courses in Nutrition and Dietetics courses taught at college level and examined by the Kenya National...

    Price: KES :  50

  • Diet Therapy Notes on Nutrition Support

    These are the lecture notes on Nutrition support for both Certificate and Diploma courses in Nutrition and Dietetics courses taught at college level and examined by the Kenya National Examination...

    Price: KES :  50

  • Introduction to Microbiology: Types of Microorganisms Notes

    These are lecture notes for types of microorganisms, a topic in introduction to microbiology which is a unit taught in Diploma module 2 of nutrition and dietetics management.

    Price: KES :  50

  • Fabric Printing Notes

    These are the lecture notes for fabric printing, a unit taught in fashion and design.

    Price: KES :  200

  • Pattern Drafting and Grading 1 Notes

    These are the lecture notes for pattern drafting and grading 1 , a unit taught in fashion and design.

    Price: KES :  200

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