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KCSE English 101/1,2,3 Student’s Manual (through the examiner’s eye)

Institution: Secondary

Course: English

Content Category: Examinations

Posted By: Zacch

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 40

Price: KES 400

Views: 2717     Downloads: 11


This is a comprehensive Examiners guide covering KCSE English Paper 1, 2 and 3. It provides insights and tips in handling all the mentioned Papers.

By Zacch M’copondo
1. Functional writing
This encompasses all aspects of functional writing
The major emphasis is on the format, content and grammar
a) Format (It is fixed)
It carries a third of the Total marks
b) Content
(The focus is on the content. It is contained in the question. Read, understand and interpret the questions
All the required information must be captured in the response.
c) Grammar (all aspects of grammar)
Avoid grammatical errors.
This area test the ability to
? Communicate well in written English.
? Follow and interpret given instructions
This involves
a) Ability to express oneself to sustain a conversation
b) Taking part in debates or discussions
c) Explanation on how to do certain things.
d) Fluency, accuracy, pleasant and intelligible statements
1. The number of words not important (No limit but must be reasonable)
2. The language MUST be grammatical
3. Short and related forms are normally grouped together.
4. It can be
a. Fused…e.g... email the report (Yet to be tested)
b. One item…e.g... write a letter (2014)
c. two in one item…. e.g. write a letter and CV (2008/2011/2016

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