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  • ESM 410: Environmental Education Notes

    Brief Overview ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD An environmental hazard is a substance, state or event which has the potential to threaten the surrounding natural environment and/or adversely affect human's health. Types of Hazards -there are two types: -Natural hazards -Anthropogenic hazards NATURAL...

    Kaimosi Friends University College, Bachelor of Education: Environmental Education

    Price: KES :  400

  • GEO 409: Climatology Notes

    This article encompasses the key areas in climatology as a field of study.The areas include definition of climate change as per different scholars,causes of climate change,evidences of climate change ,effects of climate change and finally the mitigation measures. Brief Overview:...

    Kaimosi Friends University College, Bachelor of Education (Arts): Climatology

    Price: KES :  100

  • GEO410: Agricultural Geography CAT Questions and Answers

    This article focuses on key areas in Agricultural geography. The article is convenient for fourth year students. It encompasses the Von Thunen's theory of Agricultural places, Challenges facing organic farmers in Kenya and finally bridging the gap between farmers and research in relation to Green...

    Kaimosi Friends University College, Bachelor of Education (Arts): Agricultural Geography

    Price: KES :  300

  • Power Electronics Notes for Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module 3

    Power Electronics notes for diploma in electrical and electronics engineering module 3 are detailed and summarized in accordance to the syllabus. They are very useful to a trainer as well as students awaiting for KNEC examinations. The notes cover the whole syllabus and therefore very reliable, and...

    College, Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module 3: Power Electronics

    Price: KES :  999

  • Econ 441: International Economics I Notes

    Brief Overview: 1. THE NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE What Is International Economics? International economics is a field of study that assesses the implications of international trade, international investment, and international borrowing and lending. There are three broad subfields within the...

    Egerton University, Bachelor of Arts: International Economics I

    Price: KES :  300

  • Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Microcontroller Technology Notes

    Microcontroller Technology Full notes offer clear and precise description of what is required in Diploma in Electrical and electronics engineering module 3. it has been developed in accordance to the syllabus and thus useful to trainer, student and all Electrical people. COURSE OUTLINE 1....

    College, Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module 3: Microcontroller Technology

    Price: KES :  1299

  • Form 2 Mathematics Notes on Reciprocals

    The document contains high school teaching notes of form 2 mathematics on reciprocals. ? Reciprocals of a number is 1 divided by the number * ( )+. ? An expression or function so related to another that their product is unit. ...........................................

    Secondary, Mathematics: Mathematics

    Price: KES :  0

  • ABE 314: Entrepreneurship and small business management

    I) Definition of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur,self employment Ii) qualities/ characteristics of entrepreneuer Iii) difference between Entrepreneurship and self employment Iv) Role of government in entrepreneurship V) sources of finance for small businesses Vi) Forms of business,sole...

    Moi university, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management: Entrepreneurship and small business management

    Price: KES :  800

  • Effect of quality assurance techniques in acquisition of goods, works and services in a manufacturing firm

    Effect of quality assurance techniques in acquisition of goods, works and services in a manufacturing firm. INTRODUCTION Quality assurance in production is the ability of a firm to generate high quality standard goods, works and services delivery to its customers. This should be consistent as...

    College, Certificate in Information Communication Technology: bussiness plan

    Price: KES :  500

  • Impact of fibre optic and ict technology installation in nambale sub-county busia county

    IMPACT OF FIBRE OPTIC AND ICT TECHNOLOGY INSTALLATION IN NAMBALE SUB-COUNTY BUSIA COUNTY STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In recent times most people did not have more ideas on technology hence leading to improve of the connectivity in most part of the county a research of the technology which makes...

    College, Certificate in Information Communication Technology: Certificate in Information Communication Technology

    Price: KES :  100

  • Important skills acquired by a trainee teacher during teaching practice

    Important skills acquired by a trainee teacher during teaching practice. IMPORTANTSKILLSACQUIREDBYATRAINEETEACHERDURING TEACHINGPRACTICE. 1.‘Micro-teaching equips a trainee teacher with the essential skills and confidence needed in the classroom as s/he enters the teaching profession. ’Analyze...

    Chuka University , Bachelor of Education (Arts) : Bachelor of Education (Arts)

    Price: KES :  50

  • Analysis of feminist and marxist theories in novels.

    An indept analysis of feminist and marxist theories in novels as well as important movements which affected literature in 19th century and before. TASK1: Discuss the essence of any two movements in literature. (15mks) Literature has undergone some great movements which has led to the change sin...

    Chuka university , Bachelor of Education (arts) : Literary technics

    Price: KES :  50

  • Effects of Climate Change on Tourist Activities at Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

    Research project on the effects of climate change on Tourism Activities at Samburu National Reserve CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Overview This chapter covers the background of the study; problem statement, objectives of the study, research questions, significance and justification of the...

    Rongo University, Bachelor of Tourism Management: Research Methods

    Price: KES :  150

  • Anatomy and Physiology of Cardiovascular System

    Lessons covered • Blood vessels • Arteries & arterioles • Veins & venules • Capillaries • Diseases of blood vessels: atheroma, venous thrombosis • The heart • Position, • Structure: coverings, heart wall, valves, • Functioning of the heart: cardiac cycle, cardiac contraction & output •...

    University, Anatomy and Physiology of Cardiovascular System: Anatomy and Physiology of Cardiovascular System

    Price: KES :  200

  • Anatomy and physiology of digestive system notes

    Food contains a variety of nutrients; • Used for building new body tissues and repairing damaged tissues • Our only source of chemical energy hence vital to life • However, most of the food we eat consists of molecules that are too large to be used by body cells • Foods must be broken down into...

    University, Bachelor of Science in Public Health: Anatomy and physiology of digestive system

    Price: KES :  300

  • SMA 404: Complex Analysis II Notes

    Download SMA 404: COMPLEX ANALYSIS 2, It contains all topics in complex analysis 2 fully covered with exercise after every topic. Easy for students to use preparing for exam.

    Kenyatta University , Bachelor of Science : Complex Analysis 2

    Price: KES :  49

  • Photography and Video Editing Skills Notes

    Brief Overview Introduction Film is a complex text form. The reason for its complexity is that film includes aspects of spoken and visual text forms and can even sometimes include written text forms. It is important to learn each aspect of film so that we can get the most out of viewing films....

    Maseno University, Diploma in Mass Communication: Diploma in Mass Communication

    Price: KES :  100

  • Form 1 Agriculture Schemes of Work Term 3 - KLB

    Explore our Form 1 Agriculture Schemes of Work for Term 3. Quickly receive your document via WhatsApp, email, or direct download upon purchase. Ideal for teachers seeking structured resources. Reference Book Used: KLB

    Seconday Level, Agriculture: Agriculture

    Price: KES :  60

  • 2021 Physics Form 3 Term 1,2,3 Schemes of Work

    Very indepth scheme of work for effective content mastery and delivery. PHYSICS SCHEMES OF WORK FORM THREE 2021 TERM I REFERENCES: 1. Secondary Physics KLB 2. Comprehensive Secondary Physics 3. Principles of Physics 4. Golden Tips 5. Teacher’s...

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  60

  • Form 4 Physics Schemes of Work Term 2

    Order your Form 4 Physics Schemes of Work for Term 2 and receive instant delivery via WhatsApp, email, or direct download. Ideal for teachers looking to plan their lessons effectively.

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  70

  • Findings and discussions From the study of the influence of male teachers on the Academic performance on the preschool children

    EARLY CHILDHOOD AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (E.C.D.E) THE INFLUENCE OF MALE PRESCHOOL TEACHERS ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. This paper presents the research findings carried out on the influence of male teachers on the academic performance of the preschool children.It details...

    College/University, Diploma and Bachelors Degree in ECDE: Early Childhood Development Education

    Price: KES :  300

  • Influence of Male Teachers on Academic Performance of Preschool Children

    EARLY CHILDHOOD AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (E.C.D.E) THE INFLUENCE OF MALE PRESCHOOL TEACHERS ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. This paper presents the research carried out on the influence of male teachers on the academic performance of the preschool children.Why are the male...

    College/University, Diploma /Bachelors in ECDE: Early Childhood Development Education

    Price: KES :  500

  • The Bad Talk Theory

    “THE BAD TALK THEORY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION” THE BAD TALK THEORY,is a new theory in Early Childhood Development and Education(E.C.D.E) which offers an explanation to why there are few males or rather why males are absent in the preschools(foundation phase) despite the period...

    College/University, Diploma /Degree in Early Childhood Development and Educationin ECDE: Early Child Development Education

    Price: KES :  200

  • Trade Project Proposal: K-NOTE Children Information Management System

    The project is known as K-NOTE CHILDREN INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM K-NOTE’s current system is more manual based/paper based and not much of the children information is computerized. Each child has a file where all his/her information is stored. When a service is offered to a child e.g. paying...

    Certificate, Certificate in Information Communication Technology: Trade Project Proposal

    Price: KES :  350

  • Advocacy and Lobbying Notes on Advocacy Process

    The document entails process in advocacy. Its content include; 7 stages of advocacy process, process of planning in advocacy, stakeholders and their sources of power. Find here in sample of questions examined by KNEC from the topic. ADVOCACY PROCESS Approaches to advocacy These are the ways...

    College, Diploma in social work and community development module 2: Advocacy process

    Price: KES :  200

  • Social Psychology and Human Development Notes on Ethics and Morality

    ETHICS AND MORALITY Concepts in Ethics and morality ? Ethics is the conscious reflection on our moral belief an attitude through the use of normative ethical theories. ? Ethical principle or values are statements of human obligations or duties that are generally accepted and are the expression of...

    College, Diploma in Social Work: Ethics and Morality

    Price: KES :  100

  • Developing a guidance and counselling programme in school

    DEVELOPING A GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PROGRAMME IN SCHOOL: Developing and planning for guidance and counselling programme requires the following: Need Assessment for Guidance and Counselling Programme: A need can be defined as the discrepancy between what is and what should be. Needs...

    Seconday Level, Bachelor of Education: Bachelor of Education

    Price: KES :  50

  • Discuss any four critical thinking tools of transformation

    Discuss any four critical thinking tools of transformation. Introduction Critical and creative thinking tools of transformation are also referred to as valuable intellectual traits. These are transformational traits exhibited by those individuals that embrace criticality and creativity. They are...

    Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Arts: Critical Thinking Tools of Transformation

    Price: KES :  50

  • Apply the plutonian common good and Aristotelian golden mean ethical principles in addressing five of Kenya’s socio-economic challenges

    Apply the plutonian common good and Aristotelian golden mean ethical principles in addressing five of Kenya’s socio-economic challenges Apply the plutonian common good and Aristotelian golden mean ethical principles in addressing five of Kenya’s socio-economic challenges Platonian common...

    Moi university, Criminal justice, penology and security studies: Critical Thinking

    Price: KES :  50

  • Action Research: Poor performance in English in Ndanai Girls Secondary School, Sotik Sub County

    Brief Overview ABSTRACT English is an examinable and compulsory subject in KCPE and KCSE, except for learners with hearing impairments who may opt for the Kenyan Sign Language instead of English. It is very critical, broad and useful subject which covers all areas of learning in schools and...

    KEMI, Diploma in Education Management : Action Research

    Price: KES :  300