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  • Antepartum Hemorrhage Notes

    Antepartum Hemorrhage Notes ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE Overview: Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy is a serious condition that requires urgent medical attention. It complicates 3–5% of pregnancies. It’s the leading cause of perinatal and maternal mortality worldwide. Up to one-fifth of...

    Kenya Medical Training College, Diploma in Clinical Medicine: reproductive Health

    Price: KES :  100

  • Abnormal labor and management Notes

    Abnormal labor and management Notes. The notes are well detailed for students undertaking Diploma in clinical medicine. Abnormal labor is when there is: Poor progress of labor( evidenced by delay in cervical dilatation or descent of presenting part) And / or Fetus shows signs of fetal...

    Abnormal labor and management, Diploma in Clinical medicine: Reproductive Health

    Price: KES :  150

  • Ricket and Osteomalacia Notes

    Download Ricket and Osteomalacia Notes, these notes are well detailed for student taking Diploma in clinical medicine and surgery. ................

    Kenya Medical Training College, Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery: Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery

    Price: KES :  150

  • Family Planning Notes

    FAMILY PLANNING/ CHILD SPACING: Refers to deliberate spacing between children/ births to allow longer birth intervals. Is the process of child spacing so that the couple has the number of children they want at the time desired i.e when wanted, expected and welcomed. Birth spacing: time...

    Kenya Medical Training College, Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery: Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery

    Price: KES :  150

  • Social, Economic and Political Developments in Kenya since Independence PowerPoint Notes

    The Power Point contains comprehensive notes on the Political Developments in Kenya since Independence including; Ways in which the Kenyatta government crippled KADU, Developments between 1963-1991, Disbanding of Tribal and Welfare organisations, The Murder of Dr.Robert Ouko, constitutional changes,...

    Secondary, History and Government: History and Government

    Price: KES :  200

  • Entrepreneurship Notes Module 1

    Download detailed entrepreneur notes. The notes are well prepared for students pursuing mechanical engineering module 1.

    College, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Module 1: entrepreneur

    Price: KES :  150

  • Grade 5 French Assessment Test Term 3 2022

    Grade 5 French assessment covering the content taught in both Grade 4 and Grade 5. GRADE 5 ASSESSMENT FRENCH TERM 3 2022 NOM: …………………………………………………………………………… ECOLE: ………………………………………………………………………… 1. Réponds: a) Bon...

    Primary, French Language: French Language

    Price: KES :  100

  • Grade 4 French Assessment Term 3 2021

    Grade 4 French question paper term 3. It tests the content covered in class the whole year. GRADE 4 ASSESSMENT FRENCH TERM 3 2022 NOM: …………………………………………………………………………… ECOLE: ………………………………………………………………………… 1.Réponds : a) Comment tu t’appelle? ……………………………………………………… b) Quel âge...

    Primary, French Language: French

    Price: KES :  100

  • Natural Flora and Fauna of East Africa Notes

    MODULE UNIT- NATURAL HISTORY OF FAUNA AND FLORA OF EAST AFRICA MODULE DESCRIPTION This module unit is designed to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to identify and classify flora and fauna of East Africa. The trainee will also be able to appreciate and account for...

    College, Certificate/Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management: Natural Flora and Fauna of East Africa

    Price: KES :  500

  • Site and Workshop Management Notes

    INTRODUCTION This module is designed to equip the trainee with skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable him/her to appreciate and apply safe working conditions on site and masonry works. General objectives By the end of the module unit, the trainee should be able to; Prepare...

    College, Diploma in Civil Engineering and Building Technology:

    Price: KES :  300

  • Construction Materials Notes

    CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS. The subject of engineering materials deals with the study of materials in respect to the: i. Sources, composition and their properties ii. Manufacturing methods and testing iii. Utility in the various fields of engineering and technology. iv....

    Godoma Technical Training Institute , Diploma in Civil Engineering and Building Technology: Construction Materials

    Price: KES :  300

  • Secondary English Grammar and Literature Notes

    Download Grammar and Literature Notes PAPER ONE These are the areas examined under paper one 1. Functional writing—this entails items or compositions written for a specific purpose; For example, applying for a job, writing minutes for meetings, writing reports, recipes, memos etc. 2. Cloze...

    Secondary, English: English

    Price: KES :  140

  • KMTC Principles of Human Nutrition Notes

    Get comprehensive KMTC Principles of Human Nutrition Notes instantly upon purchase. Receive via WhatsApp, email, or direct download. Perfect for students seeking nutritional knowledge.

    KMTC, Certificate and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Principles of Human Nutrition

    Price: KES :  300

  • KMTC Research Methods Notes

    Looking for comprehensive KMTC Research Methods Notes? Get instant access upon purchase via WhatsApp, email, or direct download. Ideal for educators seeking valuable teaching resources on research methods.

    KMTC, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Research Methods

    Price: KES :  300

  • KMTC: Basic Biochemistry Notes

    KMTC: Basic Biochemistry Notes in PowerPoint format. These are well structured harmonized notes for medical students specialising in the field of nutrition and dietetics. They are highly examined by KNEC board of exam and provide 100% accuracy in terms general specific knowledge of molecules that...

    KMTC, Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics: Basic Biochemistry

    Price: KES :  300

  • Communication Skills Notes for KNEC Certificate and Diploma Courses

    INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION SKILLS Meaning of Communication – It is a process of passing information, feelings and attitude from one person to another or from one organization to another through appropriate means to enhance understanding among the parties. Communication Cycle Sender...

    College, Certificate and Diploma Courses: Communication Skills

    Price: KES :  200

  • Kiswahili Lugha Notes

    Kiswahili lugha notes simplified for easier revision to secondary school students. MATUMIZI YA LUGHA Kiimbo ? Jinsi sauti inavyopanda na kushuka mtu anapoongea. ? Huibua maana halisi ya maneno yanayosemwa kama ifuatavyo: ? Sentensi za taarifa ? Mtoto anaandika barua. ? Sentensi za...

    Secondary, Kiswahili: Kiswahili

    Price: KES :  0

  • PHY 315/ ESP 413: Electromagnetic Theory Notes

    CONTENTS 1.0 MAGNETIC FIELDS IN MATTER................................................................................................................3 1.1 The magnetic moments of atoms...........................................................................................................3 1.2...

    University, Bachelor of Science (Physics): Electromagnetic Theory

    Price: KES :  1000

  • Thin Lenses Notes (In PowerPoint)

    A comprehensive document on study of thin lenses. Ideal for students preparing for physics examinations and teachers preparing students for physics examinations.

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  20

  • Uniform Circular Motion Notes (In PowerPoint)

    A comprehensive document on study of uniform circular motion. Ideal for students preparing for physics examinations and teachers preparing students for physics examinations.

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  20

  • Capacitors Class Notes (In PowerPoint)

    A comprehensive document on study of capacitors. Ideal for students preparing for physics examinations and teachers preparing students for physics examinations.

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  30

  • Gas Law Notes (In PowerPoint)

    A comprehensive document on study of gas laws . Ideal for students preparing for physics examinations and teachers preparing students for physics examinations.

    Secondary, KCSE: Physics

    Price: KES :  20

  • Current Electricity Simplified Notes in PowerPoint Format

    A comprehensive document on study of electric current, involving; cells and simple circuits, capacitors, resistors and electronics . Ideal for students preparing for physics examinations and teachers preparing students for physics examinations.

    Secondary, Physics: Physics

    Price: KES :  20

  • Installation Technology Notes

    INSTALLATION TECHNOLOGY NOTES- Notes suitable for first years in electrical engineering students. You will find them useful for your practical experience.

    College/University, Diploma/Certificate in Electrical Engineering: Installation Technology

    Price: KES :  200

  • LEPS 2200 Guidance and Counselling Notes

    1.2.1 Meaning of Guidance: Literally guidance means 'to direct‘, 'to point out‘, to show the path‘. It is the assistance or help rendered by a more experienced person to a less experiences person to solve certain major problems of the individual (less experienced) i.e. educational, vocational,...

    Lukenya University, Bachelor of Education (Science): Guidance and Counselling

    Price: KES :  200

  • Contact between East African and Outside World: History PowerPoint Notes

    Contact between East African and Outside World: History power point notes.

    Secondary , History and Government: History and Government

    Price: KES :  100

  • Operating System and Troubleshooting Fundamental Notes in PowerPoint

    Operating System and Troubleshooting Fundamental Notes in PowerPoint Slides.

    College, Information Communication Technology : Information Communication Technology

    Price: KES :  50

  • Introduction to Desktop Publishing Notes in PowerPoint Format

    Introduction to Desktop Publishing Notes. Document Type: Ms PowePoint.

    Computer Studies, Computer Studies: Computer Studies

    Price: KES :  50

  • Grade 5 Science and Technology Presentations Diagrams

    Download Grade 5 Science and Technology PowerPoint presentations diagrams. The document is in Ms Powepoint.

    Primary, Science and Technology : Science and Technology

    Price: KES :  80

  • Building Corporate Image Notes

    This paper provides class notes for use by trainers handling certificate level five business management trainees based on TVET-CDACC curriculum.

    Kenya Institute of Management, Certificate in Business Management Level 5: Building Corporate Image

    Price: KES :  1000