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Courses offered at Jkuat Main Campus Juja
Find a list of all certificate, diploma, postgraduate diploma, bridging, degree, masters, doctorate courses, distance education as well as open learning academic programmes offered at Jkuat Main Campus Juja.
Get all course details such as course entry requirements, mode of study, course duration, fees structure among others.
Admission Requirements
For those wishing to pursue various courses at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), the following minimum admission requirements need to be met.
1. Bridging Certificate - Degree applicants should have KCSE mean grade of at least C+ (plus) or equivalent. Diploma applicants should have KCSE minimum grade of C Plain or Division II in KCE or equivalent. Certificate applicants should have attained KCSE mean grade of C- (Minus) or Division III in KCE or equivalent qualification.
2. Certificate Courses - Applicants should have at least KCSE mean grade of C-(Minus).
3. Diploma Programmes - Minimum entry requirements for diploma applicants: KCSE mean grade of C (Plain).
4. Undergraduate Degree - Requires a minimum of KCSE C+ (Plus).
5. Masters Programmes - Holders of second class upper division degrees from JKUAT or other recognized University in relevant field.
6. Ph.D - Applicants should be holders of Masters degree from JKUAT or any other university recognized by the University senate.
JKUAT Modes Admission
1. Government of Kenya Sponsored Students.
Application for admission is done through Joint Admissions Board (JAB). Application forms are usually dispatched to secondary schools so that students can apply for courses of their choice.
2. Self-Sponsored Students.
Courses under the self-sponsored programme are advertised through the press in the months of April/May each year.
Students are therefore required to get application forms from the university or from the university website and apply for the courses which they are qualified for.
Advanced Diploma(1) |
Bridging(1) |
Certificate(9) |
Degree(73) |
Diploma(17) |
Doctorate(9) |
Masters(34) |
Post Graduate Diploma(1) |
Course Name: 145 courses found.
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