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Bridging courses offered at Pwani University College
Find a list of Bridging courses offered at Pwani University College.
Get all course details such as course entry requirements, mode of study, course duration, fees structure among others.
Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Degree Courses
Those aspiring to join Pwani University to pursue degree courses should meet the following minimum entry requirements.
- A minimum of C+ at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or equivalent
- The applicants must meet specific degree requirements for each school
- Candidates must satisfy the normal entry requirements or offer alternative equivalent qualifications satisfactory to the board of the school concerned
Bridging(5) |
Certificate(9) |
Degree(63) |
Diploma(30) |
Doctorate(15) |
Masters(15) |
Post Graduate Diploma(2) |
Course Name: 5 courses found.
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