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What is 45,273 rounded off to the nearest hundred? A. 45,300 B.45,000 C.45,200 D.45,270

Class: Class 8

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Numbers

Lesson Summary

What is 45,273 rounded off to the nearest hundred?

A. 45,300 B.45,000 C.45,200 D.45,270

Text Answer

To round off 45 273 to the nearest hundred, we look at the tens digit. In this case it is 7 which is greater than 5. Add one to the hundreds digit, i.e 2+1=3 and replace the lower digits with zeros. Hence the number 45 273 rounded off to the nearest hundred becomes 45 300.
The correct answer is A(45 300

1. The same procedure is used when numbers are rounded off to any place value, e.g. thousand, ten thousand, etc.
2. To round off to the nearest thousand, we look at the number in the hundreds digit. If the number is greater than or equal to 5, we add one to the number in the thousands digit and replace the lower digits with zeros.
3. If the digit in question is less than 5, leave the thousands digit as it is and replace the lower digits with zeros.

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