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A construction company employs technicians and artisans. On a certain day 3 technicians and 2 artisans were hired and paid a total of ksh 9000. On another day the firm hired 4 technicians and 1 artisan and paid a total of ksh. 9500.

Class: Form 1

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Linear Equations

Lesson Summary

A construction company employs technicians and artisans. On a certain day 3 technicians and 2 artisans were hired and paid a total of ksh 9000. On another day the firm hired 4 technicians and 1 artisan and paid a total of ksh. 9500. Calculate the cost of hiring 2 technicians and 5 artisans in a day.

Text Answer

Let the salary of artisan be x and technician be y

To eliminate x multiply (2) by 2
2𝑥+3𝑦= 9000
- 2𝑥+8𝑦=19000
-5y =-10000

y = 2,000 technician earns 2,000/=

Substitute y = 2000 in (2)
x = 1500
artisan earns 1,500/=

Cost of hiring 2 technicians and 5 artisans
= sh. 11,500

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