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How to prepare a meal of beef and kunde stew


Date Posted: 12/8/2013 8:17:25 PM

Posted By: Karjosse  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 615

Serve: 4 people

Preparation time: 30 Minutes


1/2 Kg meat (sliced in pieces)
Kunde leaves (chopped)
1 onion (sliced in pieces)
4 tomatoes
2 tablespoonfuls of fat or butter
Enough water
1 garlic (chopped)
Turmeric (optional)
Salt (to taste)

Cooking Method:
1. First boil the chopped kunde leaves in water for which salt has been added until the turn color from green to fade brownish color.
2. When they are ready, pour out the liquid they have and keep them aside for a short period of time.
3. Using a clean sufuria, put the sliced onions and the fat and fry the onions. After they turn golden brown, add the tomatoes and stir them together. Toss them together and then add garlic and turmeric to taste.
4. Wash the beef meat and add the pieces in the onion, tomatoes, turmeric and garlic mixture and stir them together. Leave the mixture for about five minutes then add some water. Leave them to boil until there is soup present.
5. Add the already cooked kunde leaves set aside in the stew and stir thoroughly. Leave the mixture for about 20 minutes.
6. The meal is ready and can be served with ugali or rice.

Serving tips:
When serving any vegetable stew, divide a plate into four portions; one to be for the ugali or rice and one quarter for vegetable stew then the other quarter for any fruit or vegetable salad.

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