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How to commit yourself to God


Date Posted: 8/2/2017 10:53:21 AM

Posted By: pkoech12  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 267

If you are a Christian, am sure you have heard many and varied challenges to commit your life to God, and to have no doubt being ask on several occasions to continue on with him. I am not calling you to commit your life to him but I rather say that for you to achieve your predetermined worthwhile goals you have in no doubt to accept commitment to him so as to finish the race of your dreams,
Commitment to Christ is a value that directs us to our right path and gives us an extra strength in our race of attaining our it is written
……………….that he who has begun good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ (Philippians 1:6)
Since it is clearly that we are made in God image that is to say we are part of his plan to lift the world around us, in the sense that we are unique so we have to commit ourselves to God so that we achieve the lifestyle that is honorable, constructive, gleaming and that is inspiring instead of retiring and that is change everyone aspires about.

We have to plant ourselves to God's love, by giving ourselves to him and to his plan also in order for us to live a changed life where we can rise above our circumstances and make a choice based upon our willingness to access state of mind that produces best results.

When we commit ourselves to God we grow in fullness and excitement and understanding that remaining faithful to Christ is essential to true happiness and it is voluntarily initiated to him. By the time our life and lips have honored the name of God and we cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting in holiness

in the fear of the lord (2 cor 7:11) we instantly sense his response flowing towards us, that is the beginning of powerful relationship.

Today we look back and count the loses we might have suffered but we have to realized that God has a chance for each of us to exploit our potential despite of all past failures and mistakes ,and what God required from all of us is commitment and obeying the word of God at core of our souls.
There was a layman in India who confessed before the congregation “all these years I have given my offerings faithfully to the lord, but I have never given myself . I had left my home and loved ones, a good job and a fine salary to come to India to work for God but until today I have not surrendered myself”.

The lord desires commitment at the deepest level, and wants us to experience his love ,forgiveness and power in all areas of our lives .experiencing his love does not mean that all of our thoughts emotions will be pleasant and pure . it means that we can be real ,feeling pain and joy ,love and anger ,confidence and confusion.

The psalmists give us a tremendous insight about commitment
“Commit thy ways unto the lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” Psalms 37:1
This is why learning to commit our ways to Jesus is so important, when we abandon anxiety and bring everything to God .our attention is focus on him .then; with our trust on him he is free to guide us with his glance.
Life will be different in the things you do ,want to do as well as in the things you feel. In Christ you’ll find new patterns of life that bring you abundant joy.
Regardless of the specific time you spent in darkness God’s grace is sufficient and won’t see the back as long as we accept and commit our ways, what is paramount is commitment.

Jesus told a remarkable parable about a landowner who hired laborers for his vineyard (matt 20:1-16) . He hired some at the beginning of the day ,some at the third hour ,and still others at the sixth hour, ninth and eleventh hours .he paid all of them all the same ,we cry “unfair “ but the land owner fulfilled the agreement with the others .they were willing to work ,trusting that the landowner would treat them fairly at the end of the day . Those who began in the eleventh hour exercised the most faith. The short time for work did not produce much remuneration, but they were willing to do what they could. The landowner valued their willingness to serve and gave them as much as those who labored the full day. So though each servant was given a different amount, the master followed the principle,” for unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required.”

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