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Steps to make our country what the people who fought for it wanted it to be.
Date Posted:
9/29/2017 11:54:26 AM
Posted By: Hope Wakesho Ngoyanae Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 102
progress defined? A country's progress is defined by output. That output is also defined as income. Therefore definition of progress is handwork. If someone is corrupt, whatever you have acquired corruptly can't be part of the national income because you have not produced anything.
The second is building people. When you are a leader, your greatest and most Important asset is your people.Development is about people.
The third thing is to ensure the economic engine is right. Every decision made has financial implications. How do you ensure that there is food on the table if you don't know what the economic engine for the household is?
The fourth is to lead with others. A leader should not be left alone. That's why there is a saying in kiswahili which states "kidole kimoja hakiui chawa" translates to English as "one finger can't kill a lice"
Among the qualities of a good leader to lead us should be brave.
If you think leadership is for the faint-hearted think again. You must have the nerve of steel as a leader to face challenges. Another character is to be courageous. Courageous people have a very clear character and mind of what they want to be. And it doesn't matter if you're the only one left standing :courageous people will stand for what they believe in. These are few reasons to make this country our fighters who fought dearly for our country.
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