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Will power, power beyond imaginations!!
Date Posted:
9/19/2012 3:20:27 AM
Posted By: Razen Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 3454
courageous and brave. This is true but controlling fear is not basically being brave/courageous. Those who control fear are far more stronger than the brave/courageous. It takes painful memories or imaginations. Fear will always be controlled by fully mastering the power of pain. Thinking or imagining of the pain caused/can be caused by fear will give you the required force to control fear. Seeing that there is nothing great or of big deal in the fearful situation, facing it and coming out unscathed is a symbol of full fear mastering. Using fear against an enemy or situation is the only way to use fear to your advantage. In order for David to conquer Goliath, he used fear as his strength. We find him panicking of fear by how many times he tried to target Goliath's head missing. He told him that he is young but by the power of will,
Now, having mastered the powers of pain and fear and having mastered the weakness too, will strengthen your will power. Will is not easily unleashed, especially for malicious purposes. Those who fully use the power of will certainly for causing harm/damage supplement it with magic.
With the mention of magic, let's talk about it in an overview speed.
Magic is evil, unless is Directly from God. Magic from God is know as miracle, and evil magic is know as witchcraft/sorcery. Using magic depicts supplemented strong will power.
>how to control will power.
Have ever looked at someone you don't know and your brain tells you that they are/or look like someone you know only to meet them later? Wise people call it telepathy, but bear the truth with me that this is the work of will power. In order to create your own telepathy, you need to think of something you want to have, someone you want to see, etc. Note: "telepathic" will power does not work if you know very well that what you are willing to have is impossible. (You know this calls for faith). Being a hundred percent sure that what you want to happen will happen makes It come true.
>will power occasionally results to love. In order to master one element of will, you need to use love not to show affection but to control the will of other people. Will power do not love truly but show it the true way. Will's love is fake, I mean.
>energy generated from pleasure can be used to harness the power of will. That's why you end up giving out the title deed to that lady/guy who enticed you to bed. You also can generate this energy and use it to control the will of others.
*positive uses of will power*
-to obtain riches
-to obtain fame
-to control mind positively
-to obtain favors
-to continue living
-to sustain love
-to sustain hope
-to obtain wisdom
-to show responsibilities
-to cope with difficult situations
-to get other powers like glory and honour
*negative uses of will power*
-to anonymously cause death
-to cause pain and fear
-to cause poverty and suffering
-to control mind negatively.
-to cause fights, wars, etc. Will power is used to cause world wars, tribal wars,etc
-to steal from others
-to cheat death
-to cheat on faith
-to cheat on love
-to cause illnesses
This article has both inner and outer message. If you got something, please use will not for evil but for Good. Will is for all of us, to benefit from its good side......
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