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Did you know that the newest social network Pinterest is doing better than its allies?
Date Posted:
10/17/2012 10:03:35 AM
Posted By: Geekeijoe Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 453
really exploding. Top bloggers are teaching classes on it and likewise as a business owner you need to be very strategic about your time and similarly benefit your business from being on Pinterest. As a matter of fact, the difference between sharing things on other social sites and sharing them on Pinterest social media is that people get to see exactly what the item is before they click on it. Eventually these people end up buying the item. As a result, your business can find new customers from a place that did not exist.
Even though Pinterest is still invitation only, it has to date accumulated to over 2.7 million users which for sure is an outstanding performance, it’s simple to join; all you have to do is head to the Pinterest website and request an invite. Alternatively, you can login using your Face book or Twitter account for instant access and then enjoy the ride.
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