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Dreaming before achieving is the way to go
Date Posted:
10/18/2012 6:54:20 AM
Posted By: Razen Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 3454
gain the relevant knowledge in the scouting field.
After several months, I found a friend who introduced me to a school principal who in turn allowed me to train his students to be good scout. That dream came true because I focused and worked hard.
What I feel like sharing today is the way to dream.
The source of a dream can be:
A vision, an imagination, something someone else has or a rank he/she holds, desires, etc. Picturing yourself as a CEO in a renown company can be the beginning of a dream to come true, as a student or as an adult. What is needed of you is focus and hard work.
The drive force that pushes you towards a dream is easily strayed or stopped only by another different dream. Changing careers later in life can be such forces. There's only one way to ensure you are well focused on a dream. Concentrating.
The power of concentration is sufficient to turn the tame heat of the sun into a destructive source of havoc. Have you ever used a magnifying lens to concentrate the rays of the sun on a piece of paper? What happened? The paper burned in an instant, yet even after months of exposure to the same rays of sun, the paper never burnt! This is the power of concentration.
In order to achieve your dream and goals in life, you should concentrate. Check out that you have all the comfort zones that give you the feeling of peace and allows you to concentrate.
Example. A student is dreaming of becoming a surgeon. The basic tip to that student is that he/she must do the sciences that will drive them to surgeon fields of life. Biology, chemistry and maybe agriculture. Choosing subjects like physics instead of biology is one of the forces that distorts and mis-configures the dream.
Hard work through out the high school course will steer the student to a good university and hence perpetuate the dream from there.
Other forces like dropping out of school can destroy the dream completely. So, patience, respect, obedience, honesty among other virtues are required to see the student through high school and also through university. Self control to avoid sex and drug/substance abuse can also make the dream fail.
A dream is inter-twinned with many aspects in life and one simple mistake can take it all down the drain.
Be careful because what you do today can mis-configure your life tomorrow.
Live your dreams today for a better reality tomorrow.
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