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How to successfully live with someone who’s addicted to football
Date Posted:
12/4/2012 4:28:12 AM
Posted By: sashoo Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 382
These addicts will always be on the defensive. Upon attacking them, they could accuse you of robbing them of their only joy in life, or accuse you of taking things way out of hand. You also want to know that the addicts will always be on the offensive as this is the only sure way of defense.
Certainly, handling a soccer addict can really be tricky. Yet, knowing when to talk to these people might as well do the drill. Also, you have to be calm and stop accusing them of letting you down. Actually, you have to keep your expectations realistic. Keep in mind that it is an addict you’re dealing with, and calculate every word that comes from your lips.
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