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6 ways in which people achieve a 7 figure salary
Date Posted:
12/4/2012 4:34:14 AM
Posted By: fly1234 Membership Level: Bronze Total Points: 15
their work and services, while normal income earners get paid after delivering their services. A shop attendant is paid after one month of working, people like Donald Trump are paid before the 1st shovel is lifted in his real estate empire.
3 7 figure income earners are obsessed with sales and marketing. If you want to generate this kind of income, spend 50 percent of your time on sales and marketing. They just aren’t good at selling but they have that mindset of selling. They have the right attitude towards selling and so it becomes their absolute priority. They want to be outstanding in this field.
4 Converting waste into cash. Most business owners seek advice from marketing gurus on how to realize increased sales revenue, increase overall sales plus customer base. They always want to discover how to do things in a new way.
For instance, a business owner may want a better advert. They are told that what matters is what happens to the customer once they lay their hands on the product. Sometimes lots of sales go to waste because of returns. They are also not taking advantage of referrals in this case because there is no quality in the service they offer. I believe that if a customer had the best experience at a shop, they would want to come along with a friend the next time they are visiting that particular shop-which converts into referrals. By understanding this and trying to plug the leeks in which they have, the ‘front end’ of the business will take care of itself.
5 Difference between how we get paid and also get paid differently. Business owners are usually focused on growth. They worry about how to increase sales, how to increase profits and how to get more customers that what they are presently getting. While on the other hand, 7 figure salaried individuals focus on expansion, not multiplication. This is the difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur.
6 Ability to handle resistance. You will get to a point when resistance is at it’s peak, which explains why so few people get to earn a 7 figure salary. That pressure comes in many different forms, pressure from people living around us and also from within.
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