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What real happiness entails
Date Posted:
1/12/2013 12:50:06 AM
Posted By: billgates Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 446
Oh! What a wretch!
Bottom line is this: happiness is never achieved through running away from reality. The real answer lies in evaluating “self”, not covering what is happening by soaking the “self” in alcoholic addiction, bang, cocaine or anything like that.
Many people believe that happiness will come the day they will hit a jackpot. Indeed some have even scooped those millions of shillings in jackpots, what they experience is “brutish pleasures”, not continuous inner happiness. We see rich people getting into problems all the time, they are always filling lawsuits against their neighbors, they refrain from certain types of food because their doctors warned them not to take them, and their problems never seem to end.
Your happiness does not depend on the loads of cash you carry in your bank account, it does not depend on tangible materials, but is has a far inner aspect that can only be achieved if you let go of your worries, sorrows and illness. The result of this is that which is timeless, beyond mind and our ability to understand. That, is what we call HAPPINESS.
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