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Investing in shares or government securities in Kenya
Date Posted:
1/14/2013 12:21:06 AM
Posted By: moff J Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 485
on which theory to adopt.
The returns of investing in shares include dividends and capital gains. Dividends are paid by the company to its shareholders as a form of return on their investment. Capital gains on the other hand are created by the investor him/herself. They arise where the shares are sold at a price higher than the price at which they were bought. For instance, let us say you have a share of a company at a price of Sh. 10. Six months later, the share is trading at Sh. 18 and you decide to sell it. This means that you make a profit of Sh. 8 which is referred to as the capital gain.
The con of trading in shares is the uncertainty surrounding the price. There may be times when the price of the share may plunge and thus the investor ends up making huge losses. Nevertheless, if the price shoots up then you stand to rake in enormous profits. Hence, I guess it is true what they that the higher the risk, the higher the returns.
Government securities on the other hand are considered to be less risky or actually riskless investment. This is because the government is very unlikely to default on payment of interest on the security and settling the debt upon maturity. One of the government securities is the treasury bills. These are short term instruments which mature within a short period such as three months. Their interest rate is usually determined by the prevailing market interest rate. As such, they are an appropriate investment tool for the investors who want to earn some interest on their money within a short period of time. The investor tends to benefit if the interest rate is higher than the inflation because in such circumstances there will not be loss in purchasing power of the money.
The deterrent in this kind of investment is that there is a minimum amount which one can be able to invest. This amount is normally quite high and thus many retail investors are unable to participate in it.
Another form of government security is the government bonds. These are long term tools intended to raise huge chunks of money. The rate is determined by the prevailing market rate and the demand for the bond. The maturity period for the bond could be as long as even 30 years. The good thing about bonds is that they are traded in the securities exchange unlike the treasury bills. As such, one can be able to extinguish his bond by selling it to another investor. Despite the long maturity periods, government bonds give a high return and the investor is assured of recouping his/her capital outlay.
In conclusion, it is important to point out that investment in shares is much riskier than government securities and is therefore suitable for those investors who have a risk taking attitude. They can give you a high return on investment but at the same time can result into huge losses. Treasury bills and government bonds are less risky and are suitable for risk averse investors. All in all, an optimum investment portfolio is likely to be the one that is composed of both riskless securities and other securities.
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