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The effects of strikes in Kenya.
Date Posted:
4/4/2013 8:37:16 AM
Posted By: prey Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 1405
strike are the ones who might have destroyed company property during the strike, the ones who led the strike, the ones who might have said very hateful things about their employers during the strike and even the ones who were only being allowed to work in the company because they had a good relationship with their employers which ended the time they decided to become part of the strike.
4) Interfering with the other businesses.
Not all the strikes are carried out in an orderly manner. Some become very unruly and interfere with even other businesses. For example, some of those engaged in the strike might not just walk along the footpaths at the side of the roads. Some of them go ahead and walk along the roads causing the road users in that particular road to stop and wait for them to move out of the roads which might take a lot of time. This makes these people to not reach to their work places on time which affects them and the places where they work. It also makes the people who work in the public transport sector to lose a lot of money.
5) People get hurt physically.
Some strikes tend to become so unruly that the police would have to intervene in order to restore order in the places the strikes have affected. However, not all the participants of the strikes cooperate with the police. Some try to go against what the police are telling them thus the police are forced to use other measures other than talking to them in order to stop them from disrupting the peace and order in the society. It is usually done through teargas.
Some strikes are as a result of greed which makes the workers not to be content with the good money that they are being paid. However, some are as a result of very bad treatment being given to the employees in a n organization or the students in a school. All in all, striking should be the last thing that any one should ever think of doing when they want to be heard.
What are results of workers strikes?
a) Pay cuts
b) Demotions
c) Loss of jobs
d) Employers suffer losses
e) Inflation
f) Injuries even death when confronted by police
g) Victimization of some individuals
h) Bitterness among the workers and employers
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