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The major benefits of Tibetan mushrooms
Date Posted:
10/23/2013 6:47:28 AM
Posted By: Karjosse Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 615
in the Tibetan economy, aside from mining and industry, Tibetan mushroom comprises a large part of the GDP. According to, Wild fungi and some mushrooms are used to spice up food therefore comprising part of the unique Tibetan cuisine. Mushrooms are used in making many traditional Tibetan foods consequently making the Tibetan cuisine one of the healthiest cuisines popularly known around the world. The Tibetan cuisine forms part of the tourist attraction in Tibet, visitors are keen to sample some of the local cuisine hence improving Tibet’s image as a popular holiday destination.
Therapeutic Benefits:
Tibetan mushroom milk (Kefir) contains lipids, sugar and proteins that together form polysaccharides grains provide an aphrodisiac feeling which enhances your mood making you feel happy. Due to the fermented yeast contained in the milk Tibetan kefir contain minimal levels of alcohol that may also be attributed to the warm dizzy feeling felt by some consumers.
In addition, some Tibetan mushrooms are also used for making cosmetics used by beauty therapists.
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