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Washroom cleanliness and etiquette in workplace
Date Posted:
10/23/2013 10:20:18 AM
Posted By: Karjosse Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 615
a good book in the ladies/gents.But this luxury applies only when you are at home not at the workplace because it is not a public facility.
A friend recently made an interesting confession.In the spirit of multitasking,she accidentally dropped her mobile phone in the toilet bowl.
Multitasking may be a handy way to get things done in a busy world,but it's not always more efficient.When you visit the washroom,it is best if you leave the phone at your desk and concentrate on the task at hand.I find it funny when i hear someone picking a call in the bathroom.It's distracting others and the person on the other end can tell what you're doing.
One of the biggest mistakes women make in the bathroom at work is to gossip about co-workers or complain about their bosses.This is dangerous because you never know who is in a neighboring stall or who has entered the bathroom after you.If you must gossip,do it outside the office building.
If there's a running or clogged toilet,no water or the toiletries have run out,take leadership role and report this to the right official.If these are strictly observed, there will be a revolution in the cleanliness of washroom.
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