Date Posted: 3/19/2012 1:25:06 PM
Posted By: SimonMburu Membership Level: Silver Total Points: 838
The development of the operating systems will never cease the reason we say it is an "unresolved issue". The development of computers has drastically observed the development of operating systems from the command driven ones to the graphical user interface ones. The operating system has always been a suite of programs that manages and controls various computer resources like hardware and software. Here are some of the reasons why it is still an "unresolved issue".1. Hardware developments-The hardware technology changes every time hence the need for new software programs that are compatible with the hardware.2. User application software - Different application software come into the market on a daily basis hence the need for a new operating system that will certain the high definition graphics of these application software.3. Market competition-Operating system manufacturers example Microsoft will always have a new, better improved product in the market just to beat competition.
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