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Choosing a handheld device for your children
Date Posted:
8/11/2012 1:36:30 PM
Posted By: Razen Membership Level: Gold Total Points: 3454
only need to set a password, input the filter key
words and websites and you are good to go.
Tablets are world on hands, both the world of sinfulness and the world of goodness. Again, all this depends on you. Try talking to youe child about the good and the bad. Make them go for the best. You can get them to promise you that they won''t download, access or view pornographic content when you buy them electronic gadgets. They will.
There is one more thing you ought to be alert of. Electronic handheld devices are additive and can take your child's life to a form of chaos. Create them a guideline. Show them how organised you are. You go to work, you go to the gym, you visit a place and you finally take time to read news, view emails, chat and occasionally play a game or two via the tablet. Good examples are gradually copied by your child. Ask them to go for a past paper online, view bible movies and play a game or chat. Not all trees produce timber, some produce firewood and equally do good. Your advice might not go 100% but that little they harness makes them learn the rest.
In one way or the other, your child get to grasp the way round the tablet and possibly know it better than you do.
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